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2025 Annual Awards for Excellence

Nomination, Review, and Presentation


MMEA/NAfME current members OR school administrators can award candidates by completing the online nomination form. All forms must be filled out completely in order to be considered.


The Awards Committee will serve as judges to review the nominations and select the eligible candidates.  Awards recipients will be contacted via email once the review process is complete. Awards may be given annually, however, if there are not sufficient candidates, some categories may not be awarded.


Awards Presentation

Awards will be presented annually at an Awards Reception on the Saturday evening of the Annual State Conference (specific day/time TBA).  A letter of distinction will be sent to the appropriate administrator for the award recipient’s personnel file (if applicable).  Recognition of the recipients will be included on the MMEA website homepage, the awards webpage, MMEA social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), in emails to the members, district supervisors, and other stakeholders.


September 12 - MMEA Nominations Open
December 11 - MMEA Awards Nominations Close
December 18  to January 8 - Committee Review
Mid-January - Awardees Notified 
Late-January - Awardees Announced
March 8 - Awards Ceremony @ Annual State Conference, Baltimore 

Awards Scoring Rubric


Link to scoring rubric

Awards Nomination Forms 

















Outstanding Music Educator
Outstanding School Administrator

MMEA/NAfME Exemplary Music Program Award

The Corwin Taylor Music Education Leadership Award
The Rosemary and James Walters Award for Service
MMEA Hall Of Fame

Outstanding Music Educator


Award Description
This award recognizes and honors music educators for their outstanding service to music students in public, private, or independent schools in the State of Maryland.


This award will be given in three categories:  

Career - a tenured educator with six or more years of teaching experience
New – a tenured educator with one to five years of teaching experience
Retired – an educator who has retired from teaching music


Note: Membership is not required for administrators wishing to nominate their colleagues. Membership IS required for educators wishing to self-nominate or nominate a colleague. 


Nominee Qualifications

  1. Must be an MMEA/NAfME Member at the time of nomination

  2. Must be a Maryland music educator who has taught a minimum of six years (career teacher) or one year (new teacher). 


Leadership Criteria

  1. Consistently produces/produced music groups of high-performance level. 

  2. Consistently performs/performed programs of high musical quality. 

  3. Has made an outstanding contribution to the community and  the state through music. 

  4. Has made outstanding contributions to the improvement of music groups in Maryland through participation and leadership in professional organizations. 

  5. Must have had student participation in honors performing groups such as All County or All State groups when appropriate. 

  6. Has hosted student teachers, meetings, festivals and/or presented workshops, clinics, adjudicated or guest-conducted ensemble groups. 

  7. Has written articles for various music journals and/or participated in curriculum work. 

  8. Maintains/maintained contact with feeder schools where applicable and encourages students to continue their music education. 


Professional Growth Criteria

  1. Continues to improve knowledge by enrolling in education courses for advanced degrees by attending workshops, in-service programs, clinics etc.

  2. Has been recognized by area organizations, school PTA, or community groups.


Human Relations Criteria

  1. Demonstrates/demonstrated a caring attitude toward students and serves as an excellent role model. 

  2. Has received letters in their personnel file from students, colleagues, parents, and/or supervisor/administrator relating to contributions to the growth of students. 

  3. Demonstrates/demonstrated the ability to inspire students to learn. 

  4. Encourages and helps students to build self-esteem and confidence. 

  5. Works cooperatively with total school staff, parents, and community. 

  6. Encourages diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their teaching.

  7. Demonstrates performance above and beyond the call of duty. 


Required Nomination Information

  1. Nominee Name

  2. Nominee Email

  3. Nominee Phone

  4. Name of School

  5. School County/District

  6. How does the nominee inspire students to learn music?

  7. How does the nominee encourage creativity and demonstrate quality music instruction?

  8. How does the nominee help build student self-esteem and confidence?

  9. How does the nominee demonstrate leadership qualities?

  10. How does the nominee display a warm, caring attitude towards students and colleagues?

  11. How does the nominee encourage diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their teaching?

  12. What honors has the nominee received?

  13. What honors has the nominee received with their school organization?

  14. At least one (1) letter of recommendation.

  15. One (1) professional reference, with email and phone contact information.

  16. Optional - Any other information that supports the selection of this nominee.

  17. Nominator’s Name

  18. Nominator’s Email

  19. Nominator’s Phone




Outstanding School Administrator


Award Description
This award is to recognize non-arts administrators who are music advocates and supporters, working with the music team to build incredible music programs for their schools and communities. 


Note: Membership is not required for administrators wishing to nominate their colleagues. Membership IS required for educators wishing to self-nominate or nominate a colleague. 


Nominee Qualifications
An elementary or secondary principal, school administrator, or school system supervisor or superintendent.


Nomination Criteria

  1. Increased time allotment for students in the music programs.

  2. Expansion of the music program in the school/district as a result of the administrator’s efforts.

  3. Student or school recognition or awards for achievement in music.

  4. Advocating for music and arts education in the school and community.

  5. Financial commitment to the music programs in the school or district.

  6. Encourages diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their school and community.

  7. Strong leadership, good school management, and good rapport with educators, parents, and students.


Required Nomination Information

  1. Nominee Position:  Select one - Elementary Principal, Secondary Principal, Superintendent, Supervisor, or Other (with description)

  2. Nominee Name

  3. Nominee Full Job Title

  4. Nominee Email

  5. Nominee Phone

  6. Name of School

  7. School Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code)

  8. School County/District

  9. How long has the school, district, or department been under the administrator's supervision?

  10. Describe some of the features of the school, district, or department that demonstrate how the music program is exemplary under the nominee's leadership.  Include the curricular offerings, time allotment for students, and how the music programs in the school/district have been expanded or improved as a result of the administrator’s efforts.

  11. Have the students or programs in the school or district won awards or achievements/recognition in the arts? (please provide a list).

  12. How has the nominee been an active advocate for music education in the school and community?

  13. How has the nominee demonstrated financial commitment to music programs in their school or district?

  14. How does the nominee encourage diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their school and community?

  15. Give examples of the nominee's strong leadership, good management, and good rapport with teachers, caregivers, and students.

  16. At least one (1) letter of recommendation.

  17. One (1) professional reference, with email and phone contact information.

  18. Optional - Provide any other information that supports the selection of this nominee.

  19. Nominator’s Name

  20. Nominator’s Email

  21. Nominator’s Phone

  22. Nominator’s Membership Number

  23. Nominators Expiration Date




MMEA Exemplary Music Program Award


Award Description
This award is to recognize outstanding music programs. 


Nominee Qualifications
Any public, private, or independent school in the State of Maryland that has not received this award in the past five years. The music educator in charge of this program must be a member of MMEA/NAfME.


Nomination Criteria

  1. Outstanding curriculum, program goals & objectives, unique materials & teaching strategies.

  2. Strong student participation in music programs and honor ensembles.

  3. Innovative teaching strategies and materials

  4. Support for the music program on the part of the local administration and/or the board of education.

  5. Exemplifies diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their school and community.

  6. Community involvement and support, such as: number of students involved in community musical organizations, parental involvement, and community recognition


Required Nomination Information

  1. Name of School

  2. School Address (Street Address, City, State, Zip Code)

  3. School County/District

  4. Names of School Music Faculty

  5. Type of Program

  6. Principal Name

  7. Principal Email

  8. Principal Phone

  9. Name of District Supervisor or Coordinator (if applicable)

  10. District Supervisor or Coordinator Email (if applicable)

  11. Name of Superintendent (If applicable)

  12. Describe the curriculum, program goals, and objectives.

  13. Provide statistics regarding student participation, including student participation in the music program and honor ensembles.

  14. Describe the innovations, unique materials, and/or teaching strategies that single out this program for recognition.

  15. How does this program exemplify diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their school and community?

  16. Cite evidence of support for the music program on the part of the local administration and/or the board of education.

  17. Indicate the extent to which there is community involvement and support such as a number of students involved in community musical organizations, parental involvement, and community recognition.

  18. At least one (1) letter of recommendation.

  19. At least two (2) professional references, including email and phone contact information.

  20. Optional - Provide any printed programs or news articles.

  21. Optional - Any other information that supports the selection of this nominee.

  22. Nominator’s Name

  23. Nominator’s Email

  24. Nominator’s Phone




The Corwin Taylor Music Education Leadership Award


Award Description
This award is to recognize an individual who has made a significant contribution to the music education of Maryland’s youth. The Corwin Taylor Music Education Leadership Award was established in 1993 in memory of Dr. Corwin H. Taylor (1905-1992), noted musician, composer, author, and educator. Dr. Taylor, an active member of the Music Educators National Conference (now National Association for Music Education, NAfME) and the Maryland Music Educators Association, was Supervisor of Instrumental Music for the Baltimore Public School system from 1945 to 1968 and a faculty member at the University of Maryland at College Park from 1968 to 1976.


Nominee Qualifications
A teacher, administrator, parent, industry representative, or performer in Maryland. Membership in MMEA/NAfME is encouraged but not required.


Nomination Criteria

  1. Demonstrated connection to music education in Maryland.

  2. Significant contributions to the music education of Maryland’s youth.


Required Nomination Information

  1. Nominee Name

  2. Nominee Email

  3. Nominee Phone

  4. Describe the nominee's connection to music education in Maryland.

  5. Describe the ways in which the nominee has made a significant contribution to the music education of Maryland's youth.

  6. Explain why this nominee is deserving of this award.

  7. At least one (1) letter of recommendation.

  8. At least two (2) professional references, including email and phone contact information

  9. Optional - Please provide any other information that supports the selection of this nominee.

  10. Nominator’s Name

  11. Nominator’s Email

  12. Nominator’s Phone




The Rosemary and James Walters Award for Service


Award Description
This award is to recognize an individual who has made a significant contribution to the Maryland Music Educators Association. The Rosemary and James Walters Award for Service to the Maryland Music Educators Association was established in 2001 in memory of Rosemary and James Walters. Their teaching careers were in Maryland, spanning 30 years until a tragic accident in April 2001. Jim taught instrumental music, most recently at Francis Scott Key Middle School in Montgomery County while Rosemary taught choral music. Together, they characterized the essence of supporting the music education profession. They supported their colleagues, young and seasoned, and they supported every professional activity of the association and the school music community. Jim served as MBDA president, but his contribution was not limited to band activities. Rosemary eventually left the classroom to work full time in church music, but her involvement as a substitute music teacher and as an accompanist continued. At nearly any MMEA event, it was typical to see Jim and Rosemary offering to assist when they were not “on duty,” doing whatever needed to be done.


Nominee Qualifications
Must have volunteered for MMEA in the capacity of an Executive Board Member, Component Board Member, adjudicator, ensemble manager, chaperone or other volunteer position. Membership in MMEA/NAfME is encouraged but not required.


Required Nomination Information

  1. Nominee Name

  2. Nominee Email

  3. Nominee Phone

  4. Nominator's relationship to the nominee

  5. Describe the nominee's connection to music education in Maryland.

  6. Describe how the nominee has made a significant contribution to MMEA and music education of Maryland’s youth.

  7. Explain why this nominee is deserving of this award.

  8. At least one (1) letter of recommendation

  9. At least two (2) professional references, including email and phone contact information

  10. Optional - Please provide any other information that supports the selection of this nominee.

  11. Nominator’s Name

  12. Nominator’s Email

  13. Nominator’s Phone




MMEA Hall Of Fame


Award Description
This award is to recognize an individual for excellence in teaching and/or administration, contributions and improvements made in music education, betterment of the profession through exemplary service or acts, professional offices, publications, awards, recognition, performances, and professional ideals and academic integrity.


Nominee Qualifications

  1. A teacher or administrator in Maryland who displayed excellence and dedication in teaching or administration over the course of their career. 

  2. The Nominee must be a member of MMEA/NAfME at the time of nomination. If the nominee is retired or deceased, they must have been a member while teaching.


Required Nomination Information 

  1. Nominee Name

  2. Teaching Field(s) - List all music fields nominee has taught or administered.

  3. Name of School(s) - List all schools nominee where nominee has taught or administered, including school district, if applicable.

  4. Current Status (Active, Retired, Deceased)

  5. Length of time teaching or administration in music in Maryland. (Number of years and dates, e.g. 30 years, 1990-2020)

  6. Nominee Email (If nominee is deceased, then N/A)

  7. Nominee Phone (If nominee is deceased, then N/A)

  8. Describe the nominee's excellence in teaching and/or administration.

  9. Describe the nominee's contribution and improvements made in music education.

  10. Describe the nominee’s betterment of the profession through exemplary service or arts.

  11. Describe the nominee's professional ideals and academic integrity.

  12. How does/did the nominee encourage diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in their teaching?

  13. Please list the nominee's professional offices, published articles, awards, recognitions and performances.

  14. At least one (1) letter of recommendation.

  15. At least two (2) professional references (including email and phone contact information).

  16. Optional - Please provide any other information that supports the selection of this nominee.

  17. Nominator’s Name

  18. Nominator’s Email

  19. Nominator’s Phone

Outstanding Music Educator
Outstanding School Administrator
Exemplary Music Program
Corwin Taylor Music Education
Rosemary and James Walters Award
MMEA Hall of Fame

Previous Award Recipients

Outstanding Music Educator*



Christopher Cicconi, Towson University, Baltimore County

Mark Lortz, Ph.D., Stevenson University, Baltimore County

Kirsten Chalk, NBCT, Deer Park Elementary School, Baltimore County

Carolyn Herman, Thomas S. Wootton High School, Montgomery County 

Amy Vanek, Montgomery County Schools

Anne Binkley, DME, Salisbury University, Wicomico County



Laura Allison, Ridge Ruxton School, Baltimore County

Elizabeth Babylon, Sudlersville Middle School, Queen Anne's County

Malcolm Bratcher Jr., Pocomoke Elementary School, Worcester County

Susan Eckerle, Thomas S. Wootton High School, Montgomery County

Lauren Walker, Broadneck High School, Anne Arundel County

Grace White, Colgate Elementary School, Baltimore County

John Wixted, Mardela Middle and High School, Wicomico County



Kellie Harvey, Fruitland Primary School, Wicomico County 



Angelica Brooks, Bowie High School, Prince George’s County 

James Dorsey, Vansville Elementary School, Prince George’s County

Theresa Iacarino, Cromwell Valley Elementary School, Baltimore County

Stephanie Mayer-Sattin, Bullis School, Montgomery County


Andrea Cameron, Robert Frost Middle School, Montgomery County
Carol Cox, Bodkin Elementary School, Anne Arundel County
Jana Davis Hobbs, Wicomico High School, Wicomico County
Allen Kessell, Franklin High School, Baltimore County


Sarah Burton, North Salisbury Elementary School, Bennett Middle School, Parkside High School, James M. Bennett High School, Wicomico County
Emily James, South Shore Elementary School, Anne Arundel County
Randine Levy, Roberto Clemente Middle School, Montgomery County
David Matchim, Centennial High School, Howard County
Lisa Adams, Berlin Intermediate School, Worcester County


Kenneth Dasher, Pittsville Elementary and Middle School, Wicomico County
Paul Heinemann, Rocky Hill Middle School, Montgomery County
Anne Marie Patterson, Theodore Davis  Middle School, Charles County
Thomas K. Pierre, Jr., Glassmanor Elementary School, Prince Georges County
James Woomert, Atholton High School, Howard County


Shannon Day
Lewis Dutrow
Doug Miles
Lynn Staininger



Outstanding School Administrator*



Amanda Shanks, Dumbarton Middle School, Baltimore County

Christina Welch, EdD, Snow Hill Middle School, Worcester County



Lynnette Moore, Mount View Middle School, Howard County 

Rob Watkins, Sudlersville Middle School, Queen Anne's County



Karla Steinbach, Meade Middle School, Anne Arundel County



Liza Hastings, Mardela Middle and High School, Wicomico County

Martin Tierney, Runnymeade Elementary School, Carroll County 



John Taylor, Cabin John Middle School, Montgomery County


Matthew Record, Pocomoke Middle School, Worcester County


Jazmin G. Lawhorn, Crofton Elementary School, Anne Arundel County


Chris Rattay



MMEA Exemplary Music Program*


2020 - Eleanor Roosevelt High School, Prince George's County
2018 - Homestead-Wakefield Elementary School, Harford County
2017 - Ellicott Mills Middle School, Howard County




The Corwin Taylor Music Education Leadership Award

2024 - Lionel Harrell

2023 - Dara Case

2022 - David Kauffman

2021 - Christopher Cicconi,

Sybil Roseboro

2020 – Todd J. Burroughs

2019 – Scott Herman

2018 – Michael L. Mark

2017 – Anita Lambert

2013 – Nancy S. Grasmick

2012 – C. Nelson Fritts

2011 – Richard J. Deasy


2010 – Katherine A. Rodeffer

2009 – Joan Orcutt

2005 – Linda Patton

2004 – Chris Tuel

2002 – Mary Ellen Cohn

1999 – Barbara F. King

1998 – Phyllis T. Kaplan

1998 – Roger J. Folstrom

1997 – James L. Tucker, Jr.

1996 – Mary Ann Mears

1995 – Rosa Fletcher Crocker

1994 – Karen Douglas

The Rosemary & James Walters Award for Service

2024 - Paul Hatton & Lisa Schultze

2020 - Janet Gross

2017 – Ginny Flynn

2015 – Sally Wagner

2014 – James L. Turk

2013 – Jan Strevig


2012 – Deborah Turner

2011 – Howard L. Miskimon

2011 – Sabra C. Steward

2010 – Mabel Leonore Sawhill

2004 – Richard A. Disharoon

2003 – Chrystie L. Adams

2002 – Thomas W. Fugate

MMEA Hall of Fame

2024 - Angela Adams, TC O'Brien

2023 -- Melvin Miles, Jr., Jim Wharton

2020 -- Charles Haslup (Posthumous)

2019 – Chris Vadala (Posthumous)

2018 – Gilbert A. Brungardt (Posthumous)

2014 – Dana Rothlisberger

2013 – Ray Danner

2012 – Cherie Stellaccio

2012 – C. Scott Sharnetzka

2011 – Lee Stevens

2010 – Bruce D. Wilson

2009 – Leone Y. Woodall

2008 – Richard A. Disharoon

2008 – James L. Tucker, Jr.

2007 – Olivia W. Gutoff

2006 – Mary Ellen Cohn

2006 – John Wakefield

2005 – Barbara F. King

2005 – Michael L. Mark

2004 – Roger J. Folstrom

2004 – Phyllis R. Kaplan

2003 – Leroy Battle

2003 – Glenn Patterson

2000 – Mildred B. Trevvett

1999 – Nancy M. Cook

1999 – Sr. Mary Theresine Staub S.S.N.D.

1998 – Maurice R. Feldman

1997 – Clarence T. Rogers

1996 – James H. Avampato

1996 – Carmelo J. Palazzo

1995 – David Marchand

1995 – W. Warren Sprouse

1994 – Shirley J. Shelley

1994 – Donald Regier

1994 – Mildred R. Reiner

1995 – David Marchand

1995 – W. Warren Sprouse

1994 – Shirley J. Shelley

1994 – Donald Regier

1994 – Mildred R. Reiner

1993 – Thomas W. Fugate

1993 – C. William Johnson

1993 – Michael Pastelak

1992 – Blanche F. Bowlsbey

1992 – Joseph F. Chalker

1992 – James L. Fisher

1991 – John Fignar, Jr.

1990 – Robert E. Kersey

1990 – Dorothy S. Pickard

1989 – Alice S. Beer

1989 – Thomas R. Lawrence

1989 – Corwin H. Taylor

1988 – Margaret Black
1988 – Robert S. Bolles
1988 – David Burchuck
1988 – Frances Jackman Civis
1988 – John Cole
1988 – Mary G. Cross
1988 – John Denues
1988 – Nicholas Geriak
1988 – Thomas L. Gibson
1988 – Rose Marie Grentzer
1988 – S. Fenton Harris
1988 – Miriam Hoffman
1988 – Mary M. Hunter
1988 – John Itzel
1988 – Henrietta Baker Low
1988 – Otto Ortmann
1988 – Philip S. Royer
1988 – Osmar Steinwald
1988 – Charles C. T. Stull
1988 – Eugene W. Troth
1988 – Homer Ulrich
1988 – C. James Velie
1988 – Levi Wilder
1988 – Dorothy Willison
1988 – William Llewelyn Wilson


2024 MMEA President's Award

2024 - Matt Sallee

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